Institute: CNR-ISMAR
Role in MiTHO:
I’m a marine biogeochemical modeler working at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Rome. My research integrates observations and biogeochemical models to understand and predict ocean biogeochemistry and its influence on greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), under past, present and future climate conditions, examining timescales ranging from seasonal to centennial.
As a PI in MiTHO I’m interested in understanding the drivers and impacts of multiple extreme events on ocean biogeochemistry and marine ecosystems.
Conferences and workshops;
Angela Landolfi, F. Serva, R. Droghei, S. Marullo, E. Organelli, R. Santoleri, A. Mignot, Satellite Observations to monitor single and multiple threats on Ocean health. European Marine Biology Symposium, Naples 18.09.24
Angela Landolfi, R. Droghei, I. Vona, F. Serva, F. Falcini, G. Volpe, M. Bellacicco, E. Organelli, R. Santoleri, A. Landolfi.Tracking down ecosystem vulnerability to multiple threats: the Cumulative Hazard Index. European Marine Biology Symposium, Naples 19.09.24
PhD student
Professor in Marine System Modelling
Research Scientist
Earth Observation Scientist
Research Scientist
Bio-optical oceanographer
Senior Climate Fisheries Scientist