Riccardo Droghei

 Riccardo  Droghei

Riccardo Droghei

Institute: CNR-ISMAR

Role in MiTHO:

I am theoretical physicist and in Mitho I am involved principally in the WP2000 and WP3000:  Development (WP2200), validation and generation of multistressor cumulative hazard index (CHI) , specific for open ocean waters.

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Other project participants

Angela Landolfi

Research Scientist

Victor Mangeleer

PhD student

Prof Marilaure Grégoire

Professor in Marine System Modelling

Marco Bellacicco

Research Scientist

Junfang Lin

Earth Observation Scientist

Emanuele Organelli

Research Scientist

Dr Victor Martinez-Vicente

Bio-optical oceanographer

Dr Patrick Lehodey

Senior Climate Fisheries Scientist